Service & Support

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Contact for technical support

Our technical support is available for questions concerning your FANTEC products. You can contact us directly by email or phone.


Hotline - 040 7309283 56

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time)

Complaints procedure (RMA)

In case of a defect and prompt by a FANTEC service technician to send in your product, please note the following steps. Only then can a proper RMA be guaranteed and your order will be processed as quickly as possible.

  • Pack the defect unit carefully and with complete accessories
  • Put a copy of the invoice in the package
  • Fill out the warranty card completely, including a detailed description of the defect and put them also in the package
  • You find the warranty card in the original carton or download the warranty card here and print it out
  • Please affix stamp the parcel and send to the following address

RMA Department
Billwerder Billdeich 605B
21033 Hamburg